Monday, 27 February 2017

Brave Taylor

Friday 24th February - This week the Lulu Giraffe award went to Taylor for being so brave with her broken arm! We hope it feels better soon. I'm sure Lulu will look after you over the weekend and give you lots of cuddles :)

Painting time

Friday 24th February - Today we had some fun doing some painting. We talked about what colours we need to mix together to make other colours. We made sure we wore the class painting shirts to keep our uniforms looking beautiful. There will be some art coming home next week once it has dried :)

Junior Athletics Day

Thursday 23rd February - Today we had our school athletics day. It was so much fun. We did lots of running, jumping and throwing activities. Zac and Harry got awarded with 'FAIR PLAY' awards. We are so proud of them. Miss Johnston thinks everyone was showing some great fair play skills. The kids had a tug of war challenge against all of the parents..... and the kids won! Wahooo.

Our class tadpoles and frogs

Wednesday 22nd February - Miss Johnston found a special new home for our tadpoles and frogs to live in. It is a bit of an upgrade from their ice-cream container :) Now we can see them much easier and check up on how many of the tadpole are starting to change into frogs.

Goodbye Miss Butterfly

Wednesday 22nd February - Today we took Miss Butterfly outside and released her. We had lots of fun chasing after her and then trying to spot her hiding in the tree. Tammee told us that Monarch Butterflies have the black patterns on them to help them camouflage into the outdoors.

Here are some videos from Monday when Miss Butterfly hatched.

Mrs Harris taught us how to recognise whether our butterfly is a boy or a girl. We named our girl "Miss Butterfly"

Room 1 about to let go of Miss Butterfly. 

 Wow. Look at her go!

 Room 1 chasing after Miss Butterfly

She decided to fly up into this big tree...

Can you spot her?

Friday, 24 February 2017

Miss Johnston's Balclutha Kindy visit

Tuesday 21st February - Miss Johnston went down to Balclutha Kindy today to visit our friends. Throughout the year we will have some more children join us in Room 1. 

We had Mrs Clark as our teacher today and she will be back next Tuesday when Miss Johnston visits some other Early Childhood Centres. We loved having her in our room.

Zac also shared some oral news with us about his dog Zeb. Here is a photo of Zac and his sister.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Hippity hoppity frogs

Monday 20th February - Wow. Guess what else happened today?! One of our tadpoles changed into a frog. Miss Johnston went to Room 3 and borrowed a big rock from Mrs Ramsay to put in our tadpole container so that the frog could have somewhere to sit. Here are some photos from before we got the rock.. it looks like the frog wanted to go exploring around our classroom.

Welcome to Zac

Monday 20th February - Today we also welcomed Zac into Room 1. It has been such an exciting day. Zac really likes playing with the blocks and trucks and we had lots of fun watching our caterpillar hatch! Welcome to our class Zac :)


Monday 20th February - Our Room 1 "very hungry caterpillar" has turned into a beautiful butterfly. It happened this morning straight after morning tea. Miss Johnston got Hunter to run outside and call in the rest of Room 1 quickly. We were lucky to see the whole thing. We had noticed that the cocoon had changed from green to black this morning so we were keeping an eye on it.

We are being very careful and not touching our butterfly because it's wings are still drying out. We are thinking of what name we will call it.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Athletics Day Practice

Monday 20th February - Today we had lots of fun practising our athletics outside. We have been getting really good at the three different stations - running, jumping & throwing before our athletics day on Thursday. Our teachers have lots of fun and challenging activities for us to do!

Welcome to Room 1 Prabhav

Monday 13th February - A big welcome to our newest class member, Prabhav. We think you are a cool friend to have in Room 1 with us.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Daily Milk!

Wednesday 8th February - We are so lucky to get milk each day at school. A milk runner brings it to Room 1 after lunch and Miss Johnston reads us a story while we drink it. We are learning about recycling in class, so it is important that we fold our milk boxes up so we save space in our recycling bin. Here is the funny video that we watch to teach us how to fold our milk boxes up nice and small. We wish we could make the origami like Mr. Jones does!

Some photos from week 2

In Room 1 we use our manners

Thursday 9th February - Today in Room 1 we talked about how important it is to use our manners. Then we made this poster to decorate our room and remind everyone of the different ways you can use your manners.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Week 2

Wednesday 8th February - This week we have been playing some games together to get really good at sharing. Sharing is important at school and at home. Miss Johnston put out some really cool activities like this 'Hanging Monkeys' game, playdough and today we even got to go on some iPads maths and spelling games.

We have had Ella, Prabhav, and Zac come to Room 1 to visit us, they will start school soon. We are all excited to have them join our cool class.

 During class we also have 'brain breaks' and dance along to some GoNoodle songs. They are really fun!

Thanks Mrs Ramsay!

Tuesday 7th February - We are so lucky. Today we had Mrs Ramsay teach our class and she brought us some tadpoles from her room. She taught us about how tadpoles change and we did some writing about tadpoles. Then for art we started to make some frogs. We will finish these off next week with Mrs Ramsay, but you can have a sneak peek before then in our classroom :)

Thursday, 2 February 2017

"When I grow up I want to be..."

Friday 3rd February - Today for writing, Miss Johnston asked us what we want to be when we grow up. Here are our answers...